Congratulations to Luke and Jackson who will be representing the trumpet section for HF-L at All County Band - way to go! #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
All County - here we come
Luke and Jackson
Congratulations to Olivia, Megan, Caitlyn, Luke and Miles who have been selected to represent Honeoye Falls-Lima for Elementary All-county Band! That’s music to me ears!! #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Our 2023 All-County Band representatives
Manor 4th grader Genevieve M., is traveling to Austria as part of a children’s invention contest! She invented smartglasses that transcribe auditory language into text😳🥰 1 of 9 finalists and will be representing the United States!!
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
our own 4th grade student is a finalist!!!
Congratulations Genevieve
Our third grade students are gearing up for this year’s Ugandan Water Project… our challenge this year is to beat our goal of $3,600! Every student should have clean water and our students are making a difference in the world! #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
what will we do this year?
dirty water becomes clear with a filtration system
Manor students enter problems
Manor students have put 9 water filtration systems at schools in Uganda
There is SO much to celebrate this week at Manor this week- get ready to send these amazing students some ❤️! Let’s start with our Habits Of Mind winners.., #habitsofmind #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
second grade HOM winners
5th grade HOM winners
3rd grade HOM winners
4th grade HOM winners
A huge shout out to fourth graders Robert and Emma, who earned positive phone calls home for reaching and EXCEEDING their reading goals! Way to go! #WEareHFl #StrivingForAccuracy
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Robert and Emma SMASHED their IReady goals
Check out this week's edition of Manor Messages:
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Snowglobes in art class today! WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
snow globe art
snowglobe art
snowglobe art
Our students in the LEAP program are reviewing videos of themselves and reflecting on their weekly goals. They continue to strive for accuracy at school every day! #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
self reflection in LEAP
self reflection
self reflection
PTA Family Bingo night!! #WEareFHL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
family Bingo night
family bingo night
family bingo night
family bingo night
Check out this week's edition of Manor Messages:
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Andrew earned a positive phone call home today for absolutely smashing his IReady stretch goal! He improved by 176% - his dad was so proud of him and so are we!! #WEareHFl
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Andrew in Mrs. Goodyear’s classroom earned the positive phone call home
Our third graders take on area in math classes today. Students teaching and questioning each others’ thinking, makes sure everyone owns their learning! #WEareHFl
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
learning area models
students teaching each other
students learning and questioning together
partners sharing idea and strategies
Manor welcomes Mr. Altenburger, a student teacher from SUNY Brockport, to our PE team! Our fifth graders flipped over his lesson today! #WEareHFl
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Miles showing us the backwards roll
Mr. A and his team!
one amazing backwards tuck
this is how we roll in PE
Check out this week's edition of Manor Messages:
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Mrs. Hildreth leads the Manor faculty in a conversation about social emotional learning and behavior management! #StrongerTogether #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
faculty meeting
learning together
looking at data
Welcome to Miss Hanna who is an occupational therapy student teacher with us for the next six weeks! #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Welcome Miss Hanna
We are creating math-a-magicians in third grade today! #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Mrs. Smith and her Math-a-magicians
paper or online… your choice
math partners
Check out this week's edition of Manor Messages:
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Welcome back and nice to see our winter spirit is still filling the halls! #WEareHFL
over 1 year ago, Manor Intermediate School
Mrs. Vitale’s class built structures worth digging into!
some more sweet structures
Mrs. Smith showing her ugly sweater
a Welcome Back Snack for all of our teachers and staff